After almost 10 years of living as a refugee and displaced person, Daria Kalashnikova has come to the conclusion that the most effective way to speak to a wide audience is to use her personal story


After almost 10 years of living as a refugee and displaced person, Daria Kalashnikova has come to the conclusion that the most effective way to speak to a wide audience is to use her personal story


In her interviews, the artist regularly speaks about Russia's ongoing war in Ukraine, raises the issue of social integration of refugees in new places of residence, and shares what inspires her to continue on her path of keeping Ukraine at the top of the news agenda through art.

While I have lost my home as a result of the Russian war in Ukraine and occupation of Donbas, I feel like a migratory bird that has to keep changing its place of residence. Birds have no other way of marking their territory than their voice, that's why they chirp so loudly.
Inspired by the example of birds, I do my best to make the voice of Ukraine heard

In her interviews, the artist regularly speaks about Russia's ongoing war in Ukraine, raises the issue of social integration of refugees in new places of residence, and shares what inspires her to continue on her path of keeping Ukraine at the top of the news agenda through art.
While I have lost my home as a result of the Russian war in Ukraine and occupation of Donbas, I feel like a migratory bird that has to keep changing its place of residence. Birds have no other way of marking their territory than their voice, that's why they chirp so loudly.
Inspired by the example of birds, I do my best to make the voice of Ukraine heard




February 2023Artist interview to the Arteritory /Russian language edition/ (Latvia)


February 2023В Риге состоялась премьера фильма «Год» о трех украинках, нашедших убежище в Латвии


February 2023Artist interview to the Arteritory /English language edition/ (Latvia)


Jenuary 2023“Three stories about Russian language" in Punctum magazine (Latvia) fits Daria Kalashnikova's story


September 2022
Interview with Daria Kalashnikova in the online magazine Punctum (Latvia)



April 2023DIM TV Channel (Ukraine) show "I will wait" (Дочекаюсь) with Daria Kalashnikova and her mother

March 2023Ukrainian artist Daria Kalashnikova in ‘Eyewitnesses’

March 20235 TV Channel (Ukraine) Interview with Daria Kalashnikova

February 2023Daria Kalashnikova became the hero of the documentary "The Year"



Daria Kalashnikova, artiste contemporaine ukrainienne en exil
  • RFI (France) interview with Daria Kalashnikova

    Murch 2023

In the episode, Kalashnikova told the story of the "How Long Can This All Last?" performance, which allows her to exorcise her pain and raise awareness about the ongoing war in Ukraine and the fate of the Ukrainian people

Фото: Ратынский Вячеслав / УНИАН
  • Kalashnikova in a radio program on the Latvian public radio station LR4

    February 2023

"У Дарьи такой стержень, что любой Шойгу позавидует!" - так представил гостью программы "Александр-студия" Дарью Калашникову один из ее друзей

Фото: John Macdougall / AFP
  • Daria Kalashnikova speaking on Latvian public radio station LR4

    October 2022

Гости программы "Открытый разговор" - эксперт по Восточному партнерству Евросоюза Оскарс Кастенс, беженка из Украины Дарья Калашникова и главный редактор программы "Балтия" на канале "Настоящее время" Евгений Эрлих

  • RFI (France) interview with Daria Kalashnikova

    Murch 2023

In the episode, Kalashnikova told the story of the "How Long Can This All Last?" performance, which allows her to exorcise her pain and raise awareness about the ongoing war in Ukraine and the fate of the Ukrainian people

  • Kalashnikova in a radio program on the Latvian public radio station LR4

    February 2023

"У Дарьи такой стержень, что любой Шойгу позавидует!" - так представил гостью программы "Александр-студия" Дарью Калашникову один из ее друзей

  • Daria Kalashnikova speaking on Latvian public radio station LR4

    October 2022

Гости программы "Открытый разговор" - эксперт по Восточному партнерству Евросоюза Оскарс Кастенс, беженка из Украины Дарья Калашникова и главный редактор программы "Балтия" на канале "Настоящее время" Евгений Эрлих